+32 2 400 43 33

Private Cloud in Belgium

High Available
Private Cloud

Are you looking for a reliable and high available private cloud solution in Belgium?
Our private cloud solution is designed to ensure maximum uptime and availability for your critical applications and data.

With our state-of-the-art infrastructure and redundant systems in place, you can trust that your data will be safe and accessible at all times.
Our team of experts will work with you to customize a solution that meets your specific needs and budget.

In addition to our high availability features, our private cloud solution offers many other benefits, including:


Adapt to growing demands without compromising performance.


Ensure critical applications are always up and running.


Highly competitive pricing leveraging open-source technologies to reduce total ownership costs.

Choose the best and enjoy peace of mind with our high available private cloud solution in Belgium.




Powered by
Proxmox & Ceph

In the ever-evolving world of IT infrastructure, the quest for efficient, scalable, and resilient solutions is perpetual. Enter Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE) and Ceph, two powerhouse technologies that, when combined, offer a formidable solution for managing complex IT environments. Proxmox VE, a top-tier open-source platform for virtualization, seamlessly integrates with Ceph, a highly scalable and reliable storage solution, to provide a comprehensive infrastructure platform.

The Synergy of Proxmox and Ceph
The integration of Proxmox VE with Ceph storage unleashes a synergy that enhances data management and accessibility. This combination not only simplifies the deployment of virtual machines and containers but also ensures data is stored in a self-healing, fault-tolerant manner. The result is a robust infrastructure backbone capable of supporting dynamic IT requirements.


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